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Undergraduate Nanotechnology Course

Curriculum to be completed by students from 2010/1 to 2017/2

Location: College of Undergraduate Education - Xerém Code: 3903020000


Maximum term for payment at UFRJ: 12 segment (s)

Recommended duration at UFRJ: 8 segment (s)

Minimum number of hours (CNE): 2400

Duration in years (CNE):

Minimum: 3
Average: 0
Maximum: 0


Completion Work: None

Developed in Partnership: no

Has Examining Board: no

Paid: no

Coordination data


Registration: 09987969720 C.H .: DE

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Type: Face-to-face

Official Denomination: Nanotechnology - X

Situation: Active

Additional information

Creation: Resolution s / n of 08/06/2009 published in the Internal Bulletin of UFRJ on 07/23/2009

Recognition: not informe

Approval Curriculum: Process 023239 / 2008-25 of 07/01/2009 published in the Internal Bulletin of UFRJ on 01/07/2009

Target Public: not informed

Observations: The proposal to create the undergraduate course in Nanotechnology with emphasis on Physics and Bionanotechnology, in Xerém, from 2010/1, forwarded by the units: Institutode Física, Escola Politécnica, Instituto de Macromoléculas and Instituto de Biofísica CEG on 07/01/2009 and by CONSUNI on 06/08/2009 (proc. 023239 / 2008-25). The discipline LEF 599 - Study of Brazilian Sign Language I can be taken as an Academic Option of Free Choice. The Provisional Collegiate of Xerém approved, on 03/14/2014, the exchange of codes of academic activities for the Campus of Xerém.

Adress (es):

Xerem Road, 27
Park Barão do Amapá - Duque de Caxias - RJ

Phone (s): uninformed

1st period




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


XBT118 Cell Biology  6.0 90 0 0  
XMT118 Differential and Integral Calculus I  6.0 90 0 0  
XQM111 General Structural Chemistry  2.0 30 0 0  
XQM114 General Chemistry I  4.0 60 0 0  
XTD073 Introduction to Nanotechnology  3.0 45 0 0  
XTD111 Great Themes in Biology 4.0 60 0 0  
Total Credits 25.0  


2nd period




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


XBQ118 Macromolecule Biochemistry  4.0 30 60 0  
XCP124 Computer Programming I  3.0 30 15 0  
XFS111 Experimental Physics I  1.0 0 30 0  
XFS112 Physics I - A.  4.0 60 0 0  
XMT128 Differential and Integral Calculus II  4.0 60 0 0 XMT118 (P)
XMT118 = MAC118

XMT118 = MAC113
XMT118 = MAW121
XMT118 = MCG115
XMT118 = MAW111 + MAW121
XMT118 = MAE111
XMT118 = MAW111
XMT118 = MAC114

XQM120 General Chemistry II - Iq 4.0 60 0 0 XQM114 (P)

XQM114 = IQG114

XQM121 Organic Chemistry I - Iq 2.0 30 0 0

XQM111 (P), XQM114 (P)
XQM111 = IQO127
XQM111 = IQO111
XQM114 = IQG114

Total Credits 22.0  


3rd period




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


XFS121 Experimental Physics II  1.0 0 30 0 XFS111 (P), XFS112 (P)

XFS111 = FIS111
XFS112 = FIW121
XFS111 = EEW111
XFS112 = FIT112
XFS112 = FIS112
XFS112 = FIT113
XFS112 = EEW110

XFS122 Physics II - A.  4.0 60 0 0 XFS112 (P), XMT118 (P)

XFS112 = EEW110
XFS112 = FIT112
XMT118 = MAC118
XFS112 = FIT113
XMT118 = MAE111
XMT118 = MAC113
XFS112 = FIT111

XGB125 Molecular Genetics I  4.0 60 0 0  
XMA353 Structure of Solids  4.0 60 0 0 XFS122 (P), XQM114 (P)

XQM114 = IQG114
XQM114 = IQG111
XFS122 = FIT122
XFS122 = FIT121

XMT125 Linear Algebra II  4.0 45 15 0  
XMT238 Differential and Integral Calculus III 4.0 60 0 0

XMT128 (P)
XMT128 = MAC124
XMT128 = MAC128
XMT128 = MCG234
XMT128 = MAE121
XMT128 = MAW116 + MAW231
XMT128 = MAW231
XMT128 = MAC123

XQM231 Experimental Chemistry - Eq 2.0 0 60 0

XQM114 (P)
XQM114 = IQG115

XQM232 Organic Chemistry II - Iq 2.0 30 0 0

XQM121 (P)
XQM121 = IQO121
XQM121 = IQO124
XQM121 = IQO129
XQM121 = IQO127

Total Credits 25.0



4th period




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


XBQ129 Bioenergetics and Metabolism 6.0 60 60 0

XBQ118 (P)
XBQ118 = BMW118
XBQ118 = BQM118

XFS231 Experimental Physics III 1.0 0 30 0 XFS121 (P)
XFS121 = EQE112
XFS121 = EEW121
XFS121 = EQW111
XFS121 = FIS121
XFS232 Physics III - A. 4.0 60 0 0

XFS112 (P), XMT128 (P)
XMT128 = MAE121
XMT128 = MAC124
XFS112 = FIT112
XMT128 = MAC123
XFS112 = EEW111
XMT128 = MAC128
XFS112 = EEW110

XMA061 Synthesis and Carac Polymers Exp 2.0 0 60 0  
XMA240 Introduction to Polymers 2.0 30 0 0  
XMT248  Differential and Integral Calculus IV  4.0  60  0 0

XMT128 (P)
XMT128 = MAC123
XMT128 = MAW116 + MAW231
XMT128 = MAE121
XMT128 = MAC124
XMT128 = MAC128

Total Credits 19.0  


5th period




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


XFS240 Physics IV - A. 4.0 60 0 0

XFS230 (P), XMT238 (P)
XFS230 = FIW241
XMT238 = MAC233
XMT238 = MAC234
XFS230 = FIM230
XFS230 = FIM231
XMT238 = MAE231
XFS230 = EEL330
XMT238 = MAC238
XFS230 = EEW230

XFS241 Experimental Physics IV 1.0 0 30 0

XFS230 (P), XFS231 (P)
XFS230 = FIM230
XFS231 = EEL330
XFS230 = EEL330
XFS231 = EEW231
XFS230 = EEW230
XFS231 = FIN231
XFS230 = FIW241
XFS230 = FIM231

XTD053 Ger da I e Cri de Emp de B Tec 3.0 30 15 0  
Optional Academic Activities (Complementary GrupoAtiv) 2.0 0 90 0  
Total Credits 10.0  


6th period




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


 Optional Academic Activities (Complementary GrupoAtiv) 2.0 0 90 0  
Total Credits 2.0  


7th period




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


 Optional Academic Activities (Complementary GrupoAtiv) 2.0 0 90 0  
Total Credits 2.0



8th period




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


 Optional Academic Activities (Complementary GrupoAtiv) 2.0 0 90 0  
Total Credits 2.0  


Optional Courses (Restricted Choice)




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


Complementary Ativ Group
XTDX01 Intr Research Nanotec: Bionanotec 2.0 0 90 0  
XTDX02 Intr Research Nanotec: Physics 2.0 0 90 0  
XTDX03 Intr Research Nanotec: Materials 2.0 0 90 0  
XTDX04 Intr Research Nanotec: Chemistry 2.0 0 90 0  
Credits to be paid


Elective Courses (Conditional Choice)




C.H.G. Theoretical / Practical / Extension


BQMK01 Support in Biochemistry 2.0 0 72 0  
Credits to be paid 0.0  


To be entitled to the degree and diploma, the student must fulfill at least:

Curriculum item


Minimum hours

Compulsory Disciplines 99.0 1665 
Supplementary Curricular Requirements 0.0 0
Disc. Compl. Restricted Choice 8.0 360
Disc. Compl. Conditioned Choice 0.0 0
Disc. Compl. Free Choice 0.0 0
Total 107.0 2025

Curriculum Equivalence Equations

[132275]: XQM114 (General Chemistry I) = IQG114 (General Chemistry I)

[132276]: XQM111 (General Structural Chemistry) = IQO111 (General Structural Chemistry)

[132277]: XMT118 (Different and Integral Calculus I) = MAC118 (Different and Integral Calculus I)

[132278]: XBQ118 (Macromolecule Biochemistry) = BQM118 (Macromolecule Biochemistry)

[132279]: XFS111 (Experimental Physics I) = FIS111 (Experimental Physics I)

[132280]: XFS112 (Physics I - A.) = FIT112 (Physics I - a)

[132281]: XQM120 (General Chemistry II - Iq) = IQG120 (General Chemistry II - IQ)

[132282]: XQM121 (Organic Chemistry I - Iq) = IQO121 (Organic Chemistry I - IQ)

[132283]: XCP124 (Computer Programming I) = MAB124 (Computer Programming I)

[132284]: XMT128 (Different and Integral Calculus II) = MAC128 (Different and Integral Calculus II)

[132285]: XGB125 (Molecular Genetics I) = CFB125 (Molecular Genetics I)

[132286]: XMA353 (Structure of Solids) = EET351 (Structure of Solids)

[132291]: XFS122 (Physics II - A.) = FIT122 (Physics II - a)

[132292]: XQM231 (Experimental Chemistry Eq) = IQG231 (Experimental Chemistry EQ)

[132293]: XQM232 (Organic Chemistry II - IQ) = IQO231 (Organic Chemistry II - IQ)

[132295]: XMT238 (Different and Integral Calculus III) = MAC238 (Different and Integral Calculus III)

[132296]: XMT125 (Linear Algebra II) = MAE125 (Linear Algebra II)

[132297]: XFS232 (Physics III - A.) = FIM230 (Physics III - A)

[132298]: XFS231 (Experimental Physics III) = FIN231 (Experimental Physics III)

[132301]: XMT248 (Calculating Differences and Integral IV) = MAC248 (Calculating Differences and Integral IV)

[132302]: XMA240 (Introduction to Polymers) = MMP240 (Introduction to Polymers)

[132303]: XFS240 (Physics IV - A.) = FIM240 (Physics IV - a)

[132304]: XFS241 (Experimental Physics IV) = FIN241 (Experimental Physics IV)

[132347]: XTDX01 (Intr Research Nanotec: Bionanotec) = NANX01 (Intr Research Nanotec: Bionanotec)

[132348]: XTDX02 (Intr Research Nanotec: Physics) = NANX02 (Intr Research Nanotec: Physics)

[132349]: XTDX03 (Intr Research Nanotec: Materials) = NANX03 (Intr Research Nanotec: Materials)

[132350]: XTDX04 (Intr Research Nanotec: Chemistry) = NANX04 (Intr Research Nanotec: Chemistry)

[132351]: XTD111 (Great Themes of Biology) = CFB111 (Great Themes of Biology)

[132352]: XBT118 (Cell Biology) = CFB118 (Cell Biology)

[132353]: XTD073 (Introduction to Nanotechnology) = EQI073 (Introduction to Nanotechnology)

[132357]: XBQ129 (Bioenergetics and Metabolism) = BQM129 (Bioenergetics and Metabolism)

[132358]: XMA061 (Synthesis and Carac Polymers Exp) = MMP061 (Synthesis and Carac Polymers Exp)

[132360]: XTD053 (Ger da I e Cri de Emp de B Tec) = EEI053 (Ger da I e Cri de Emp de B Tec)

[132685]: XBT118 (Cell Biology) = BMB118 (Cell Biology)

[133135]: XFS121 (Experimental Physics II) = FIS121 (Experimental Physics II)

[133137]: XFS240 (Physics IV - A.) = FIN241 (Experimental Physics IV)

Postgraduate Program in Polymer Science and Technology (concept 7 - maximum - at CAPES)

General information

Logo 40 anos menor 300x212The study of polymers has a multidisciplinary character and involves knowledge from various areas, which, in general, is not covered by undergraduate courses in chemistry, physics or engineering. Taking into account, if there is vacancy and if it is in accordance with the criteria established by the Graduate commission. This peculiar character of polymers explains their ability to meet different requirements and this is the reason why we find these materials in various items in our daily lives.

In view of this scenario, IMA has sought to fill the existing gaps through Postgraduate courses - Master and Doctorate (stricto sensu), which it has been offering since March 1977, after the necessary approval by the Graduate Education Council (CEPG) of UFRJ, on 07/01/1977. The Master and Doctorate courses in Polymer Science and Technology are accredited by the Federal Council of Education, both rated 7 in the last CAPES assessment, which places them at the level of excellence, both nationally and internationally.


Program Deliberative Commission

Effective members

Coordinator / President: Diego de Holanda Saboya Souza

Vice-Coordinator: Paulo Henrique de Souza Picciani

Vice-Coordinator:  Maria Inês Bruno Tavares

Teaching Representative: Luciana Spinelli Ferreira/ Surrogate: Claudia Regina Elias Mansur

Teaching Representative: Fernando Gomes de Souza Junior

Technical-Administrative Representative: Sandra Albinante / Surrogate: Aline Lima

Student Representative: Lucas Galhardo Pimenta Tienne / Surrogate: Bruno Cancela

Alternate members

Teaching Representative: Claudia Regina Elias Mansur 

Technical-Administrative Representative: Léa Maria de Almeida Lopes 

Technical-Administrative Representative: Sandra Regina Albinante 

Student Representative: Lucas Thielle 

Disciplines and Curriculum

Use of Credits

Enrollment in an isolated subject will be allowed to students enrolled in other graduate and undergraduate courses at UFRJ or other Higher Education institutions. It is necessary to take into account, if there is vacancy and if it is in accordance with the criteria established by the Graduate commission.The student who takes isolated subjects, who later joins the Program as a regular student, may request the use of up to a maximum of 1/3 of the minimum number of hours required by the Regulation, provided that within a period not exceeding 2 years of its achievement.

Individual Student

Any student enrolled in a public university can request to take courses in the IMA Postgraduate Program. The student must bring a declaration from the Secretariat or the Coordination of his course asking for his registration in the chosen discipline. Enrollment must be made at the Post-Graduate Department of IMA / UFRJ and it is subject to availability, as the preference for filling is for internal students.

Article originally written by professor Carlos A. Hemais and published in 2004 in the magazine “Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia” honoring Professor Eloisa B. Mano, on the occasion of her eighty years. 

"For me, the name of Professor Eloisa Biasotto Mano intertwines with the history of Science and Technology of Polymers in Brazil, for her more than 50 years of pioneering work, completely dedicated, full time, to the development of this area in the country. After a daily coexistence of 36 years, I consider myself capable of giving a testimony about her professional trajectory, which is a milestone in the national academic spheres.

About Professor Eloisa B. Mano


Professor Eloisa was born in Rio de Janeiro, on October 24, 1924, where she completed her undergraduate studies, graduating in Industrial Chemistry in 1947 and in Chemical Engineering in 1955, at Escola Nacional de Química da Universidade do Brasil, current Escola de Química da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. In 1961, Miss Mano obtained her Livre Docência (Became Full Professor) and Doctorate degree from Universidade do Brasil and, soon after, she competed for the Chair of Organic Chemistry at Escola Nacional de Química , being sworn in as Full Professor in 1962.

Polymers have been in Professor Eloisa's life forever, but they started to become an integral part of her existence from her employment as Chemist-Technologist at the National Institute of Technology, in 1954, at the Rubber and Plastics Laboratory. Aware of the need for a scientific deepening of her knowledge, Professor Eloisa went to conduct her training, in 1956, in Polymer Science at the University of Illinois, USA, under the guidance of the legendary Professor Carl S. Marvel, one of the world pioneers in the exploration of that science. She remained in Professor Marvel's laboratories for about a year and during this period she developed a strong friendship with the master, as well as living with several students of the eminent professor. He, like her, would occupy prominent places in the advancement of this science , which was beginning to become an important branch of scientific research. She complemented her studies in polymers at the University of Birmingham, England, under the guidance of Professor J.C. Bevington, in 1964.

From 1962, as Professor of Organic Chemistry, she introduced in her Chair of laboratory classes practices involving polymerization reactions for the first time in the country. She began to awaken in her students the interest in plastics and rubbers since undergraduate studies. Soon afterwards she was already guiding undergraduate students, of whom she would like to highlight Professor David Tabak. At the beginning of 1968, interest in polymers was already growing and a critical mass was beginning to form around Professor Eloisa. This was essential to encourage her to present a project to BNDE, aimed at creating a unique research group in the country, specialized in studying various aspects of the polymer sciences. After normal bureaucratic procedures, the project was finally approved and, on October 28, 1968, the Polymers Group was created, with BNDE funding (BNDE-FUNTEC 51 Project), with duration of four years, entitled “Chemical modifications of organic polymers”. This project was renewed by BNDE for a period of almost ten years (FUNTEC 141 and FUNTEC 170 projects) and was responsible for the origin of the current Instituto de Macromoléculas da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

The founding of the Polymer Group (GP)

In 1968, the Polymers Group, or GP as we called it, was formed by Professor Eloisa, surrounded by her first 9 Masters students, among which were Professor Fernanda Coutinho. As well as a person responsible for all administrative management -finance of the project, I was at the time a young student starting at the university and who, later on, would become another teacher of the house. The beginning of a lot of struggle against the constant lack of products and equipment in the laboratories, as well as updated bibliographic material, did not diminish the fiber of Professor Eloisa. She always sought to create extremely creative solutions to overcome situations of great difficulties. Around 1970, an agreement was signed between CNPq and the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), in the USA, aiming to develop several aspects of Chemistry in Brazil. The program consisted of allocating an American responsible and a Brazilian responsible for each project. Together, they would try to outline strategies for the development of the area in the country. The program also provided investments of CNPq funds and a credit provided by NAS, in dollars, for the acquisition of equipment and special reagents in the United States. In addition, a junior researcher from the USA was expected to stay for around 3 to 4 years working on the project in Brazil. Among the projects awarded by the program was our research in polymers, which, under the command of Professor Eloisa, found an American “partner” in the person of Professor Charles G. Overberger, from the University of Michigan. Professor Overberger and Professor Eloisa already had one factor in common, since both had been students of Professor Marvel, so the partnership was most successful. Professor Overberger began to come to Brazil regularly, at least once a year, and maintained this regularity of visits, even after the end of the project, until his health prevented him from making long trips in the mid-1980s. Professor Overberger's constant presence was fundamental for the development of the group, since, as Professor Eloisa said, at the time there were not many specialists in polymers in Brazil and this contributed to the exchange of ideas and conversations about research in the area. And Professor Overberger filled this gap as a great expert in the field, and became an ideal interlocutor, always ready to listen and share teachings about the research that was underway in the group.

The group grew and at the beginning of the 70s. Professors Ailton S. Gomes and David Tabak returned from the USA, after completing their doctorates and began to supervise research. Later, Professor Raul Quijada joined the group, who also began to share the responsibility for supervising research. In a short time, the group, which was provisionally allocated to the Department of Organic Chemistry at Instituto de Química at UFRJ, started to have an enviable production and its contribution, in terms of works presented at congresses and in terms of published articles, in addition the defended theses, was among the most important within that department.

The creation of the Macromolecules Institute

hist2 300x225Due to the solid growth of the group and due to its consistent scientific production, Professor Eloisa realized that if they did not become independent, they would no longer be able to grow and consolidate themselves as a center of excellence in conducting high level research in the field of polymers in Brazil. There were limitations on funds, spaces, equipment, allied to the restrictions of different orders that constrained the normal functioning of the research group. The decision was then made to start a project to transform that research group into an autonomous, multidisciplinary institute, totally focused on polymer studies, along the lines of existing institutes in the main American and European universities. The vision of Professor Eloisa, which seemed to originate from a distant dream, became reality and, after severe struggles, explanations of reasons, meetings and a lot of political discussion, approval was finally obtained, by UFRJ, for the creation of the Macromolecule Nucleus, in 1972, with provisional existence, which became Instituto de Macromeléculas - IMA, in 1977.

The multidisciplinarity envisioned by Professor Eloisa made IMA stand out from any other research group in the country. IMA would be a space where chemists, chemical engineers, physicists, biologists, pharmacists, material engineers, mechanical engineers, economists and administrators would live together, among others. All of them focused on the study of polymers within their specialties. This was achieved, despite some limitations resulting from the lack of personnel in all desirable areas. Today, at IMA, researchers from different backgrounds are researching the state of the art of polymer science and technology, as well as aspects of the polymer market, technology transfer in the area, organization of R&D laboratories in polymers and patents on polymers. The latter aspects, being developed by the Technological Management Group, are those which I coordinate at the institution. Within this spirit of multidisciplinarity, in 1971, the then GP had its postgraduate course (Master and Doctorate) in “Polymer Science and Technology” recognized by UFRJ's top management, which started to become one of the other specialties officially offered by the university.

Once the research group was made independent, a new fact was created: where to lodge it? Professor Eloisa then presented a project to FINEP, with a long explanation of reasons, demonstrating the importance of the enterprise and emphasizing the need to build a building to house the new UFRJ unit, which was already born with international support and scientific production- growing technological change. In this new struggle, the support received from renowned foreign researchers was important, among which we highlight Professor Charles Overberger, from the University of Michigan, USA, Professor Patrick Meares, from the University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, and Professor Ernst Klesper, from University of Aachen, Germany, who were contacted to, together with Professor Eloisa, prepare the Institute's Master Plan, containing the main goals to be achieved in the long term. What are we? Where do we want to go? What should we do to get where we want to go? What are our strengths? And the weakness? What size do we want to be? What are our opportunities and what can threat us? After these questions were answered by Professor Eloisa, supported by international consultants, the Master Plan was concluded, which served as a basis for requests for funds from FINEP for the construction of the IMA building, on the grounds of the University City of Ilha do Fundão, Rio de Janeiro. After comings and goings, budget cuts, project renewals, very long bureaucratic procedures, it was, finally, the building pre-inaugurated in November 1978, with the realization of the I SEMPOL Brazil-United States and, finally, in mid-1979 , IMA started to operate entirely in the new facilities, which were not yet completely finished - which was only to happen many years later, due to the low amount of money obtained for the works.

International recognition

At the beginning of the 1970s, the group was already being consolidated, but it needed recognition at an international level, which would support the lines of research underway at the institution. Then, to make possible the exchange ideas with the greatest specialists from all over the world. As it was practically impossible to have all members of the group trained in the best foreign research centers, Professor Eloisa chose to develop a project for periodic international meetings, bringing researchers from several international centers to Brazil. The point was to make them available for a program of intense exchange of ideas with our professors and researchers. Thus, Professor Eloisa, after a fierce battle, managed to bring to Rio de Janeiro the IUPAC, International Symposium on Macromolecules, in 1974, bringing together more than 700 participants, of which more than 100 foreigners, from 35 countries. This was the first step of a program that involved, from 1978, biannual meetings with researchers from a certain country, called SEMPOL (Polymer Seminars). These meetings lasted for ten years and were held with researchers from the United States (I SEMPOL), Argentina, Germany, Japan, Chile, and France. SEMPOLs brought the much needed international visibility to IMA, in addition to strengthening the relationship between our researchers and the most important researchers in the field of polymers in those countries. As a result of these meetings, theses carried out under joint guidance, international research agreements, which extended over many years, and the arrival of a foreign professor to work at IMA can be counted. In this case I speak of Professor Chiaki Azuma, from Japan, who remained in the group for about three years guiding research and, upon returning to his country, continued to collaborate with IMA, through joint guidance of theses and visits to IMA every two years old.

All these victories were the result of a lot of determination and a lot of struggle by Professor Eloisa, with all the support of the research group she led. In times of battle, the presence of a very strong and charismatic leadership made difference in the life of a research group that had the intention of becoming an autonomous institute, against the wishes of many university interests, who saw threats instead of opportunities. Today IMA is the only institute in Latin America totally focused on the study of polymers, in a multidisciplinary scope.

Institute of Macromolecules Professor Eloisa Mano

Professor Eloisa, founder of Grupo de Polímeros, was director of NUMA and after IMA, since its creation in 1972, until 1994, when, due to compulsory retirement, the master left the direction to become Professor Emeritus at UFRJ. Honor granted not too many researchers, in recognition of their work done in favor of the development of science and technology of polymers. Also, on the occasion of Professor Eloisa's retirement, based on an initiative by the teaching and administrative staff of IMA, the UFRJ University Council agreed to change the name of the institution to Instituto de Macromoléculas Professora Eloisa Mano. On this occasion, the Polymer Bulletin magazine (USA) launched a special issue, entirely dedicated to Professor Eloisa Biasotto Mano, on the occasion of her 70th birthday (vol 34, nº 5/6, 1995).

Retirement did not change the routine of the experienced master, who never ceases to come daily to IMA and actively participate in the life of the institution. Since 1995, Professor Eloisa decided to consolidate her vast knowledge, and since then she started a project to write an average of one book per year, with three works being written simultaneously at the moment. Thus, there are now over 17 books written by the master, who, too, does not neglect her activities as a thesis advisor and author or co-author of scientific articles, which are published nationally and internationally. Today Professor Eloisa accumulates more than 200 works published in journals, more than 300 communications presented at congresses, holds 6 patents of invention; in addition, she supervised more than 50 Master's and Doctoral theses.

Holder of several national and international awards, in 2000, Professor Eloisa was awarded by the President of the Republic Fernando Henrique Cardoso with the Grand Cross of the National Order of Scientific Merit, area of Chemistry. Naturally, this relevant achievement made IMA community very proud. In addition, in May 2003, the Associação Brasileira de Polímeros created the Professora Eloisa Mano Award for the best work in the field of polymers.


His former students at the National School of Chemistry, at the School of Chemistry at UFRJ, at the Institute of Chemistry at UFRJ or at IMA are countless and many have occupied prominent place in the Brazilian Petrochemical Industry, such as Otto Perrone (ex-President of Norquisa), Roberto Villa (ex-President of Rio Polymers), Amilcar Pereira da Silva (former Director of Petroquisa) and Luiz Carlos Cunha Lima (former INPI Director).

I would also like to recall the various initiatives taken by Professor Eloisa to bring t IMA community together socially. The famous Christmas parties, which for many years brought the families of all to IMA , the members of the institution, from teachers to students and staff technical and administrative. The master personally participated in the arrangements of these parties, which she liked to organize in the smallest details, day after day. These parties gave a very close proximity between the elements constituents of the institution, making them reinforce the spirit of the instituion, so emphasized by the dear teacher. The Juninas parties , that she organized on the ground in front of the building, were also very famous, aiming, in addition, to meet everyone, cultivate the Brazilian cultural tradition of typical festivals of the middle of the year. This included the construction of tents, the prizes, the typical food, appropriate music , jokes, a fake wedding ceremony with fiancés and delegates. And countless dinners also organized at her home: many times with more than one hundred guests, with the most varied excuses to be given: from homage to a foreign teacher to a commemoration of a title received. And on these festive occasions, she has always been the striking collaboration of her sister, Rachel Mano, who brought her long experience of a senior official at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She put her touch of finesse and elegance in all social activities.

In these 36 years of living together, I still consider myself today learning new things each day with the experienced master. From the first contact, I was surprised by Professor Eloisa. When I was invited by her to work in the research group that was forming, I was then a young man, a university student, inexperienced professionally, and told her frankly: "I have no experience in the service, but I will try". AND she replied: "I don't have it either, let's learn together!".

This is why Professor Eloisa Mano, who this year, in her fullness intellectual, in its full professional vigor, with many plans to carry through for the years ahead, completes its eighty years, and deserves a special issue of Revista de Polímeros : Ciência e Tecnologia. Congratulations to Professor Eloisa and congratulations to Revista de Polímeros for the initiative to carry out this fair tribute.

The Online Secretariat is the place where undergraduate students give important information about their course guidelines. They get tuned to the opening hours and the information on the website, which are updated weekly.

To access the Online Secretariat, click HERE

Sobre Nós

IMA – Instituto de Macromoléculas Professora Eloisa Mano
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Cidade Universitária – Av. Horácio Macedo, 2.030
Centro de Tecnologia – Bloco J
CEP 21941-598 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil



Mídias Sociais
