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The IMA library (Bibliographic Center of Polymers - CBP), named Professor Carlos Alberto Hemais, is an integral part of the UFRJ Library and Information System - the SiBI system. Fully computerized, it possesses and generates essential and unique information for the development of research and teaching in Polymers at regional and national scale. Its collection includes more than 4300 books, including technical works, references, standards, manuals, Theses, Dissertations, special materials and 300 titles of journals, with about 23,000 fascicles.

CBP houses and provides technical support to the library of the Association of Magnetic Resonance Users - AUREMN, which is a renowned community in Brazil and abroad in this area. This collection will be made available at the Minerva Base for greater visibility and access by the users’ community.

It will be created the “Professor Eloisa Mano space” in the IMA Library, with its private collection so that new students and all CBP visitors can better know their trajectory and works, since IMA Founder and Emeritus Professor has already written 18 books. Moreover, a book is being produced with the IMA's 50-year golden memorial, which tells the story of its creation from the nucleus of polymers on October 28, 1968 to the present day October 30, 2018

The daily, monthly and annual access to the library is wide and effective, given its database and didactic material. In view of its specificity, in the year 2015, the annual access of users in CBP exceeded 12,000 users and this number is in constant increase. In addition, CBP has significant and important participation in the lato sensu course in plastic and rubber processing, as well as the students of the Polymer Technical course, attending students from these special hours on Saturdays when the courses are taught. The CBP has a space intended for students and researchers, which has 13 computers available as well as scaners, printers and other facilities, which include a reading space.

At CBP, the study and computer room was installed for graduate and undergraduate students, a very important space that has offered the students easy access to the research in the databases and provided a strong interaction of his technical-scientific knowledge, since it is integrated to the library and its books, journals and all didactic material necessary for its studies.

Information on the collection can be found at the bibliographic center and can be accessed through the website -

Electronic access to online databases and numerous foreign journal titles was expanded thanks to the CAPES support, a significant increase in microcomputers, and the systematic orientation and training provided by IMA Library staff to users, students, researchers and professors of the Graduate Program in Polymer Science and Technology, in addition to external users. This new form of access to the scientific literature allows the quick and accurate reference to retrospective collections, as well as the reading of unpublished articles.

CBP is a participant unit of the National Collective Catalog of Periodical Publications - CCN and base library of the COMUT Program. Among the services developed by CBP, the following can be highlighted:

1 - Processing in the ALEPH system: Bibliographic material (books, theses, handbooks, manuals, dictionaries and technical standards);
2 - Reference Service: guidance to users regarding the use of IMA and UFRJ's collection of books and journals (Minerva database); Searches in Databases-Portal CAPES; Bibliographic searches;
3 - On-line bibliographic search and in its physical collection
4 - On-line Loan renewal of books: this is one of the library's newest services, which has optimized process;
5 - Provision of copies of articles from its own collection or located in other libraries in Brazil or abroad;
6 - Home loan and between libraries for the faculty and UFRJ students;
7 - Dissemination of new acquisitions, catalogs of publishers and events in the area, through exhibitions and electronic mail;
8 - Training in access to bibliographic and patent databases. This last service is carried out by professionals of the Library, through lectures, individually and for large groups. In addition to promoting training, CBP conducts workshops that have among its objectives, to increase training of professionals in the area of ​​technological information in the polymer field, promoting higher interaction among them and fostering professional development through interdisciplinary knowledge, with emphasis on polymers.

The library also has proper computer and network support, as well as more facilities to expand and disseminate the work under development in this Unit. Recently the academic document containing the manual with the instructions for the organization of master's and doctoral seminars, qualification exams, Dissertation and Theses was reformulated, aiming at the generation of a modern, uniform, complete and, above all, correct material to allow a broad national and international dissemination of the work developed in the institution.

CBP also plays an important role in seminar and seminar introductory courses, teaching and supporting students in the development of work, disseminating ABNT standards for references section construction, Cataloging and organizing the Masters and Doctoral Seminars, besides Dissertations and Theses.

CBP is strongly engaged in the undergraduate nanotechnology course, teaching and supporting students in researching databases and obtaining articles for the development of their work and the subject of introduction to nanotechnology research.

CBP effectively participates in the subject “introduction to the master's degree seminary”, indicating all the facilities and presenting all the tools available for the bibliographical researches of the most diverse areas, besides supporting the revision of the references of the Masters and Doctoral Seminars and also of Dissertations and Theses, maintaining the ABNT standard and recognized quality of the works presented and disseminated by the students of the IMA.

Finally, CBP organizes and coordinates workshops aimed at facilitating access to databases and performs important research to advance databases search, as well as it continuously works on the quality of dissemination of the collection of seminars, dissertations and thesis, so that they have a standard high-quality.

Check Out our Theses and Dissertations

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About Us

IMA – Instituto de Macromoléculas Professora Eloisa Mano
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Cidade Universitária – Av. Horácio Macedo, 2.030
Centro de Tecnologia – Bloco J
CEP 21941-598 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil


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