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Título: Rapid Food Analysis With Small-Angle Flip-Flop (Saff) Pulse Sequence
Palestrante: Dr. Roberto P. C. Neto
Data: 27/09/2023
Resumo: Small-Angle Flip-Flop (SAFF) is a pulse sequence for rapid determination of T1 for both rigid solid and liquid samples. In this presentation we will talk about this sequence developed in the NMR laboratory at IMA-UFRJ in 2018, as well as some application examples.
Confira mais informações sobre o Low-field NMR Applied to Food AQUI.
Título: Bibliometric evaluation of reported applications in food science of TD-NMR techniques
Palestrante: Dr. Elton J. da R. Rodrigues (IMA/UFRJ)
Data: 27/09/2023
Resumo: Food Science is an interdisciplinary discipline that focuses on understanding the processes involved in the production, storage, distribution, and consumption of food. Time-Domain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Time-Domain NMR) is a powerful analytical technique used in Food Science to study the composition and properties of food. Bibliometric research plays a vital role in Food Science and the field of Time-Domain NMR, allowing scientists to assess and understand the evolution of these fields over time. Through bibliometric analysis, researchers can identify research trends, academic collaborations, leading authors, and prominent institutions, as well as map the dissemination of scientific knowledge.
A search was conducted on the Scopus platform using the keywords 'food science OR food chemistry OR food AND relaxometry OR NMR.' Metrics were collected and processed. The primary results revealed a significant growth in publications on the subject over the years, indicating that it is a topic of increasing interest to the scientific community. This demonstrates that TD-NMR is a valuable tool in food science with applications in various areas.
Confira mais informações sobre o Low-field NMR Applied to Food AQUI.
Título: Characterization of Food Through Low-Field NMR
Palestrante: Profa. Maria Inês B. Tavares (IMA/UFRJ)
Data: 27/09/2023
Resumo: Food sample components and their proportion are directly related to the food molecular organization, which can interfere in the taste, cooking, storage, and so on.
NMR relaxometry is a good source to evaluate food samples. Because NMR offers a great variety of relaxation parameters.
Confira mais informações sobre o Low-field NMR Applied to Food AQUI.
Será realizado pela primeira vez o , que tem o objetivo de estimular a percepção dos pesquisadores e profissionais sobre o campo de atuação da ressonância magnética nuclear de baixo campo voltada para o setor alimentícios.
O evento acontecerá no dia 27 de Setembro de 2023 e será realizado remotamente. As inscrições estarão abertas até o dia 27 de Setembro até às 12:00h. Contando com palestras e certificados.
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IMA – Instituto de Macromoléculas Professora Eloisa Mano
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Cidade Universitária – Av. Horácio Macedo, 2.030
Centro de Tecnologia – Bloco J
CEP 21941-598 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil